Burned out from work

Burned out from work – 4 tips on how to cope

Feeling burned out from work? Well, you’re not the only one. In recent studies they found that 77% of professionals have experienced burnout at some point from their job. In addition, 51% of them have felt it more than once. As you can tell, it is an increasing problem in today’s workforce, and therefore it’s important to know how to cope with it.

Becoming burned out from work can, and most likely will, happen to you. Chances are, you have already experienced burnout in one way or another. It doesn’t matter if you are an employee, manager, or entrepreneur with your own business, it happens to everyone. 

Why, you ask? In today’s society, people tend to put a lot of time and energy into their work. There is nothing wrong about being hard working. However, more often than not people don’t take the time to recharge their batteries. They just keep on working.

Rather than ignoring the signs, or simply not being aware of them, it’s important to educate yourself on how to cope with a burnout. That way, you will see the signs earlier and you can fight it at an earlier stage. Here are 4 easy tips on how to cope with the inevitable feeling of being burned out from work.

Becoming burned out from work can, and most likely will, happen to you. Chances are, you have already experienced some kind of it already. It doesn’t matter if you are an employee, manager, or entrepreneur with your own business, it happens to everyone. 

1. Spot the signs

There are several easily ignorable signs which can indicate a burnout, such as feelings of exhaustion, lack of concentration, and even just being more irritable with those around you. These are only a few signs of burnout, but you can find many more online, just make sure you use a reliable source. What’s important is that you pay attention to them.

Evaluate your wellbeing and try to figure out what is causing the burnout. How does it make you feel? Being aware of the signs is a great start. Even better is if you are self-aware, knowing which signs you have yourself. That way, you have an easier time preventing them.

2. Recharge

Having one good night’s sleep is only a temporary solution to a burnout. Just like resting after a sports injury, you need to do the same for your body and mind. Being burned out from work is not something you should just push through. 

It’s important to take a break, as powering through will only make things worse. Try removing all electronics 1h before bed, or maybe meditate in the morning before starting your day. Have a clear barrier between work and your spare time, keeping all work related things in an office.

3. Support system

Being burned out from work is not something easy to handle. For some, it can take months until they are fully recovered. Having a support system will help you through this difficult time. It can be anyone. Whether it’s your friend, family, or a colleague. 

Sometimes a little human interaction goes a long way. Support from your network of friends will help you feel less isolated. This advice is especially for those who work in an isolated environment. Share your feelings with people around you, maybe even your boss. Chances are, they can relate.

4. Easier tasks

When you come to the point where you feel that you are experiencing a burnout, try working on easier things. I’m not saying you should not do all your job tasks, you kind of have to. But when you first start experiencing signs of a burnout, push the hard work aside and focus on simple things. 

This will let you take a break from all the thinking and processing. The detailed and involved work can wait until you feel fully ready to tackle it. By focusing on tasks which require less creativity and brainpower, you get to recharge your energy.

There are different phases throughout the day when people have higher or lower productivity. By putting harder tasks during your peak productivity phase, it won’t feel as strenuous. If you want to read more on how to get maximum productivity, click here.

I hope these 4 easy tips will help you cope when experiencing a burnout. It’s important to take care of yourself in times of stress. Knowing how to cope will help you get back on your feet quicker, making you feel better than ever.

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